SOMEWHERE Somewhere in everyone's heart||每个人心里都有个地方 There's a place such as battlefield||那里就如同冷酷的战场 A war between the good and vice||这场发生在善与恶之间的战争 Is going on each and everyday||让人们的心灵时刻弥漫着硝烟 Somewhere in everyone's soul||每个人灵魂中都有个地方 There's a space like burning forest||遍地皆是森林燃烧的火光 A fight againstendless desire||这场与末日黄沙对抗的战争 Is the key to reach out for long yearning LOVE||决定着能否触及那思慕多年的爱 Glory days are here||值此荣耀的神圣时光中 So let most of the blessings come true||让更多的祈祷梦想成真 You'll never give in||愿你能够永不屈服退让 And you will finally find destination somewhere above||愿你终将寻找到心中的向往 「SOMEWHERE」 A fight againstendless desire||这场与末日黄沙对抗的战争 Is the key to reach out for long yearning LOVE||决定着能否触及那思慕多年的爱 So please...||所以 请你… Somewhere in everyone's heart||每个人心里都有个地方 There's place such as battlefield||那里就如同冷酷的战场 A war between the good and vice||这场发生在善与恶之间的战争 Is keeping your faith and making your passion so strong||让你能保有真实信仰 让你的感情更加坚强 END