无题Freestyle Prod. ia 作词 : ACThree333 作曲 : ACThree333 混音:ZG 编曲:ia Verse1: 你看那座城市又亮起灯火 低飞的飞机准备降落 太多的话语太多的想法又开始想她却难以述说 何为感情 何为爱意 走走停停 谁都可以代替 谁会在意 你的感受 自我麻痹 没人搭理 步履蹒跚的行尸走肉 Oh my short hair girl where u at where u at Oh my short hair girl where u at where u at 把烦恼都放进了背包 远离这世间无数的的喧嚣 负重爬上脆弱的树梢 只因前进的动力在于陆韬 Verse2: How to love *4 Today the sky is grey and black (今天天气昏暗) Everybody wearing mask (众人戴着面具) The crowded street I close my eyes (人潮拥挤的街道我闭上双眼) Hearing the wind blow my mind (听着风吹拂我的脑海) U know me I've been on the low key (你知道我一直保持低调) Losing all my patience (耐心消磨殆尽) Yall cant understand it (无人能懂) Sweetie couple i could see (甜甜蜜蜜的情侣看在眼中) But fake luv is enough for me (但我已受够了虚情假意) Lying down Im feeling sick (病态般躺着) Locking the door find my peace (锁上房门存在自己的安宁) U know me I've been on the low key (你知道我一直保持低调) Losing all my patience (耐心消磨殆尽) Yall cant understand it (无人能懂)