er?(LIVE版) 作词 : 周震南 作曲 : 周震南 编曲 : 大迈MizarMin@Audio-Axis 音乐总监 : 卡斯 制作总监 : 恩德Andy18 混音 : 时俊峰 PGM:Argo Chain Auto-Tune 技术:陶斯东 /Argo Chain 录音编辑:URC SON@ABUCKS 杨哲 Advocate love and peace 优雅都刻在骨头里 清理掉灰尘 把你掉落的铭牌也放进口袋里 I don’ t got a lot of time 听你残喘 弱会传染 我们赌上爱的事物保持信念 而你在原地踏步 Bro act like a man Look at them begging for more They get what they want And they won’ t be grateful Look at them trynna be successful But they’ re not gonna try to pay for it 保持着优雅去面对 就算那最后的结局是坠落 I can be clean but I won’ t surrender I’ m gonna fight Picking up my sword We still be gentle Elegance is never out of the date 控制我的情绪直到他们破坏了规则 How can I pretend not to see How can I pretend not to hear How can I watching you destroy everything You gotta pack it up Go go all you kids 快回去偷偷生闷气 You better stay low low key Or I’ m gonna get you out of here I’ m already turn on the beast mode And hunting your weak soul That’ s the last time warning bro Don’ t stain this divine things What you living about What you fighting about What you talking about Then what you doing right now What you hiding about Who do you lying on now You said you happy right now Then what you crying about What are you afraid of right now Afraid of losing your crown Afraid of losing everything Afraid of living like clown How much do you want now You said it’ s enough right now Then what the pack are you suffering about 为什么我们总是习惯 在欲求不满的生活里面 漫无目的地渴望寻找着慰藉 为什么不能为了忠于自我信念 保护爱的事物跟欲望站对立 Cause Nietzsche said it How to get rid of the pain quickly Die now or love forever That’ s what I believe The way how I live You know what I mean I never regret it 我始终相信 Love can fight everything You know Back in the days I wanna take it back in the days Turn on the time machine take us back in the days 那时我们总是 习惯歌颂他人的美 以最大的善意 去理解包容他人的累 可能这些问题 我也没有办法给出答案 略带矛盾的话语 会显得措辞有些杂乱 一边保持着冷静 一边又被疯狂给拉断 一边顺应着 一边又带着希望发出呐喊 I’ m gonna fight till you see me I’ m gonna let you believe me I’ m gonna try my best And help you to find the answer Find the truth In that time you will join me I’ m gonna fight till you see me I’ m gonna let you believe me I’ m gonna try my best And help you to find the answer Find the truth In that time you will join me 一个破碎的人 拖着一颗破碎的心 试图去捡起那些碎片 不管错对地拼 曾经他甘心认了 这个不敢作为的命 试图用逃避 去掩盖那懦弱作祟的病 He was lost Lost in the love he got 从不珍惜得到的爱 He was never enough 他似乎还对得到更多的爱 充满着期待 直到他看到所有人 失望着选择了离开 Now he is standing here 把那些虚伪给蜕去 失去一切的他 早已经感到无所畏惧 这像是一场 为了赎回自我的战役 如果这场战役无法赢下 不要问我归期 Now I’ m standing here I feel so invincible 就算最后 还是会被磕得头破血流 Who gonna challenge me Who gonna fight with me Now Breaking out of cage I’ m about to clean them all 懦夫些 run fast you dumb 别再演了撕烂你的脏 mask 快夹着尾巴做人 是你接下来的 concept 太猖獗 “牛鬼蛇神”表现得太猖獗 清理掉你们 烧了你自以为是的章节 You dumb 愤怒的公牛跟我很撞脸 小孩子不能看的戏码 就在此刻上演 I have been waiting for this moment for so long 我走进这八角笼 让我看看还有谁敢上前 I have been waiting for this moment for so long 不可能会忘记失败 给我带来过的痛 “杀”不死我的 只会让我变得更 strong Now I’ m back in here 正面对着山顶吹来的风 要拿回属于我的一切 看他们着急着发狂地叫 只要我还没有倒下 一定会让他们 失望得睡不着觉 There’ s still a lot of enemy They wanna stop me 你们那些无用功快停止 我真看不到 Show no more mercy I’ m gonna clean them all Show no more love 忏悔不会听你说 I’ m reloaded I’ m about to hit them up Tear you to pieces Let me see how you tough Tell me Save me Send to find me Send me free Tell me 不要让他们击垮你 Hands up Fight for yourself You ready Let’ s go Bet my everything to win this game 无法压制的怒火 已进到心里面 看着你们 这张心病了似的脸 快拼了命地演 演拼了命的犬 我们的攻击无差别 That’ s a hot 醒来就会慢慢发觉 即将被我们给“赶尽杀绝” 眼睁睁的看着我们夺走猎物 在一旁流出了口水 嫉妒的脸 Pain makes me feel so alive Even if I’ m gonna lose I will take my everything to fight 很多人都劝我不要这么愤怒 但是当我深陷困难的时候 你们又怎么不在 I’ m so good with it I can fight my own 我不需要任何人对我的施舍 I can fight my own Pull out sword in stone like king Author If you don’ t believe it come and try me I clean them all