[00:00.00] 作词 : 于贞 [00:00.90] 作曲 : 于贞 [00:01.81] 制作人 : Kenn Wu/Iris Judotter [00:02.72] 吉他 : Tim Galloway [00:03.63] 唱片公司 : Oxygen Entertainment China [00:04.54] 我生来就是高山 [00:05.44] I was born a mountain [00:06.49] 我要站在群山之巅 [00:07.47] I want to stand at the peak among the mountains [00:08.61] 我生来不为做草芥 [00:09.69] I was not born to be insignificant like a weed [00:10.78] 我站立于伟人之肩 [00:11.87] I stand on the shoulders of great men [00:13.02] 博学审问 慎思明辨 [00:14.05] To seek knowledge, to question and think critically [00:15.14] 学无止境 止于至善 [00:16.22] Learning has no end, it culminates in the highest virtue [00:17.30] 海纳百川 取则行远 [00:18.39] Embrace diverse knowledge and wisdom to achieve greatness [00:19.55] 尚美创新 尽物参天 [00:20.58] Absorb the essence from various sources and strive for innovation [00:21.68] 忘了圣贤书我读过没 [00:22.87] Have I forgotten the teachings of the sages I've read? [00:23.72] 像喝下去排出的水 [00:24.92] Like water consumed and expelled from the body [00:25.99] 我的右⻋窗今天特别美 [00:27.14] My right car window is exceptionally beautiful today [00:28.27] 看过春夏秋终于看结尾 [00:29.36] Having seen spring, summer, and autumn, finally, I witness the end [00:30.31] 看5年时间眨眼过 [00:31.55] Five years have passed in the blink of an eye [00:32.49] 5年间我行走在铁轨 [00:33.58] During those years, I walked on the railway tracks [00:34.71] 不懂脚下路选没选错 [00:35.95] I don't know if I chose the right path or not [00:36.97] 只在乎窗边盛开着的梅 [00:38.18] I only care about the plum blossoms blooming outside the window [00:43.53] 没绝对 [00:44.61] Nothing is absolute [00:45.84] 你说绝对不但我绝对会 [00:47.75] You say "absolute," but I will absolutely [00:50.45] 绝对会用智慧和血泪 [00:52.42] Definitely use wisdom and tears [00:55.13] 铺条路用音轨做铁轨 [00:57.11] To lay down the tracks for the road ahead [01:01.41] 啦啦啦啦啦 [01:02.33] La la la la la [01:03.76] 像这样唱着 [01:04.65] [01:04.99] Singing like this [01:05.98] 啦啦啦啦啦啦 [01:06.92] La la la la la la [01:08.70] Sing with me [01:10.16] 和我一起唱 [01:12.97] 啦啦啦啦 [01:14.29] La la la la [01:18.74] 书读百遍其义自才⻅