佐杜洛夫斯基的沙丘 作词 : 更生仔 作曲 : 杨越 编曲 杨越 A director called Jodorowsky was going to make a movie but the lack of money Only made his movie a documentary Jodorowsky 's Dune Jodorowsky 's Dune Jodorowsky 's Dune In 73 minutes He took out money in his pocket Said these meant nothing Another director David Lynch made the same movie but no one liked it Jodorowsky was very happy Jodorowsky was very happy Godard hated Hollywood producer so did Jodorowsky Art is never money talks what I tell is more than this story The talented person will never keep silence The talented person will never keep silence 制作人:马唯昀 录音/混音/母带:马唯昀 厂牌:赤瞳音乐 母带版权归属:太合麦田(天津)音乐有限公司 词曲版权代理:北京大石音乐版权有限公司