远虑 作词:蔡维泽 Eric Tsai 作曲:蔡维泽 Eric Tsai 制作人:陆希文 Minstrel Lu Hell no On your own (由你⾃⼰) Think it twice (三思⽽⾏) When the flow goes with your mind (当旋律在脑海中响起) Get close (靠近⼀点) On your own (由你⾃⼰) When you think that it is time (当时机已到) Time for sure (确定是时候) Sure, for hope (为了希望) When the flow goes with your mind (当旋律在脑海中响起) Hell no On your own (由你⾃⼰) Think it twice (三思⽽⾏) When the flow goes with your mind (当旋律在脑海中响起) Get close (靠近⼀点) On your own (由你⾃⼰) When you think that it is time (当时机已到) Time for sure (确定是时候) Sure, for hope (为了希望) When the flow goes with your mind (当旋律在脑海中响起) 若是远道而来 Think I might be wrong (也许我是错的) 这次本性使然 Think I might be right (也许我是对的) 要我诚实要⼼有海便是海 堆积好几个现在,仿佛看得到彼岸 Chance (机会) If you want to lead me into chance (如果你想指引我机会) Which is gonna pay back in my days (这将在未来需要偿还) 想那⼦弹会拐弯,骗开因果和寡断 可说是下注可说是猜 猜⾃⼰会比结局更坏 故事更悠长意志更饱满 可能在对付可能的到来 Hell no On your own (由你⾃⼰) Think it twice (三思⽽⾏) When the flow goes with your mind (当旋律在脑海中响起) Get close (靠近⼀点) On your own (由你⾃⼰) When you think that it is time (当时机已到) Time for sure (确定是时候) Sure, for hope (为了希望) When the flow goes with your mind (当旋律在脑海中响起) 编曲 Arranged by:傻子与白痴 Fool and Idiot/陆希文 Minstrel Lu 人声编配 Vocal Arrangement by:蔡维泽 Eric Tsai 主唱 Vocal by:蔡维泽 Eric Tsai 配唱 Vocal Producing by:陆希文 Minstrel Lu 和声 Background Vocal by:傻子与白痴 Fool and Idiot 电吉他 EGT by:郑光良 Light/蔡维泽 Eric Tsai 钢琴Piano by:蔡维泽 Eric Tsai 合成器Synths by:李沂邦 Yi Bang/陆希文 Minstrel Lu 鼓 Drums by:徐维均 WEI JUN 打击乐 Percussion by:徐维均 WEI JUN 圆号编曲 Horns Arrangement by:陆希文 Minstrel Lu 录音师 Recorded by:陆希文 Minstrel Lu 录音室 Recording Studio:FLAKE STUDIO 混音/母带 Mixed and Mastered by:陆希文 Minstrel Lu 企划 Creative Planning:皕卅廿Sheila Wang/吕聪 Cong Lv 监制 Production Director:辛志宇 Kevin Xin 音乐制作 Produced:哇唧唧哇娱乐(天津)有限公司 Wajijiwa Entertainment (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. 出品/母带版权公司 Production Company/OP:哇唧唧哇娱乐(天津)有限公司 Wajijiwa Entertainment (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. 【未经著作权人许可 不得翻唱翻录或使用】