你要是在我身边就好了 作词 : XMASwu(吴骜) 作曲 : XMASwu(吴骜) 编曲:raspo 混音:百川Rebellious 我多想你可以在身边 多想每天都碰面 不管那酒有多烈 还是输给了空间 不知什么时候开始你就像是siri有问必答 但从来不主动发起谈话 跟别人的关系特别复杂 身边总是莫名其妙多出各种各样的人呀 I don’t wanna know 你的那边过的怎样我也猜不透 Don’t you play anymore 日子到了最后发现就连我的手 You don’t wanna hold 后来,我也懒得跟你精心分享我的生活 微信消息 我懒得再去斟酌 就连你说最近很多男生追求 我也就笑笑 也懒得再去跟谁争夺 假装已放手 假装是fake love 给自己备注是废物 怎么忘不掉 揭开了伤口 发现是real love 可是baby你让我怎么爱你呢 就当我是你生命里的passerby You don’t have to lie to me and fly away Feeling fading away Sinking day by day Tryda push me let it go, everything’s wrong, witnessed by the time, Is it your fake role never thought that Heart could f**** Beat twice At first I thought i did nothing wrong but you keep saying so Every time i just ask for the Facetime call and then you would Say “I’m busy now” Absence make the heart grow fonder You guys knows about that Long D tear us part with anger Temptation goes around How about the promised made How about the time we spent How about the toy we caught How about the meals we ate How about the fight we had How about the places we went How about the love i gave How about the sorrow i have now 我多想你可以在身边 多想每天都碰面 不管那酒有多烈 还是输给了空间 你说一千五百公里给不到你要的所谓安全感 每月都买机票飞去找你见面你却说我有点懒 所爱皆山海,山海皆可平 空间在作歹,终是断了情 我多想你可以在身边 多想每天都碰面 不管那酒有多烈 还是输给了空间 :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(