[00:00.000] 作词 : RoadS1de [00:01.000] 作曲 : RoadS1de [00:04.022]编曲:suhmeduh [00:13.895]混音:郭子翊 [00:26.237]i send u a message我又发了条信息给你 [00:35.520]that i havent pass the Cambridge关于我没有通过英方的考试 [00:37.138]i prepare the sandwich但我准备了很多好吃的 [00:38.829]and delete all my *******也删除了异性联系人 [00:40.554]i fancy met u at blockparty at a bar奇幻的事是在那场派对上遇见你 [00:43.583]u stare me like you already knew who i was你看着我的样子仿佛知道我是以后陪着你的人 [00:47.600]you shot me in my heart in the dark with a dart of spark at the spot 你的出现就像深夜黑暗中锋利的剑刃刺进我的心中 [00:52.112]and we go meeting at the park我们相约一起去散步约会 [00:54.556]we hang out we cooled out we find love turned out我们逛着 我们聊着 我们不经意发现彼此的喜欢 [00:57.878]though planes gotta flying i still keep waiting即使你的飞机起飞我也会一直等你起落 [01:01.160]well the airplanes say sorry u r late你的航班告诉我我迟到了 [01:03.349]i m on the way please dont close your gate但我现在已经来了所以不要关闭你的舱门 [01:06.459]if u dont mind plz give me a seat如果你不介意给我一个舱位 [01:09.335]i will be by your side no matter what the dacade or a date无论何时何地我都会在你身边 [01:12.892]Always give u a phonekiss一直通过iphone传递感情 [01:16.181]Love is a longway quiz爱情是一个长期的测验 [01:19.392]remember keep me stayed with请记得我一直在你身边 [01:22.532]Looking stars and wide seas我们会一起去看海边数星星 [01:25.603]