[00:00.57]作词:刘炫廷/ TizzyT/ GALI/ Capper [00:01.47]作曲:刘炫廷/ TizzyT/ GALI/ Capper [00:02.34]编曲: FiRe/ Artem Grigoryan [00:03.03]音乐总监:刘佳 Zeus Production [00:04.77]制作总监:卡斯 [00:05.67]混音:时俊峰 [00:06.03]编舞:廖依帆/夏地亚/杨天 [00:07.05]舞团: SPY舞团 [00:07.44] Pull up with my men in droptop [00:09.63]看我们朱轮华毂缓带轻裘 [00:10.44] If you mess with us you get popped up [00:18.99]而你不过螳臂当车不自量力 [00:20.94] Pull up with my men in droptop [00:21.60]看我们朱轮华毂缓带轻裘 [00:23.76] If you mess with us you get popped up [00:24.54]而你不过螳臂当车不自量力 [00:25.65] OK [00:27.03] Pull up with my men in droptop [00:28.26]看我们朱轮华毂缓带轻裘 [00:29.97] If you mess with us you get popped up [00:33.03]而你不过螳臂当车不自量力 [00:33.81] Pull up with my men in droptop [00:35.04]看我们朱轮华毂缓带轻裘 [00:36.54] If you mess with us you get popped up [00:38.85]而你不过螳臂当车不自量力 [00:40.08] Stand in my room [00:40.92]此地已然成为我的主场 [00:41.52] You better follow my rules in my fancy coupe [00:44.16]如今潘郎车满非常人可及 [00:44.85] All I can see is the boo [00:45.78]你却陷于四面楚歌 [00:46.29] When I show up [00:46.59]当我横空出世 [00:46.98]你们叹气 [00:47.97]这现场 gonna get messy [00:49.02]云起龙骧看我翻天覆地 [00:49.71]大力射门 like Messi如足球明星梅西一般 [00:51.15]新的火炬就让我来接替 [00:52.59] Got my name carved on the ring [00:54.12]必将千古留名 [00:54.57] Whole lotta fire [00:54.93]熊熊烈火 [00:55.23]被我结成了冰 [00:55.59] With my陪同兄弟伙一起去破旧立新 [00:57.21]疯狂冲击着你们的每根神经 [00:58.83] Don’ t look at my eyes [01:00.39]看我目光如炬 [01:00.78]圈子遵循优胜劣汰 [01:02.31] Wiping you all out [01:02.64]灰飞烟灭 [01:03.00]就像切了盘菜 [01:03.78]夺你所有成就 [01:04.71]让你往日不再 [01:06.03]把你们的链子 [01:07.29]装进我的背包 [01:09.72]86上了山 [01:10.56]现在穿过隧道 [01:12.72] Pull up with my men [01:13.77]和我的兄弟一起 [01:14.22]这是我的 play house游戏乐园 [01:17.13]天空闪着雷暴 [01:18.57] Baby team [01:18.87]宝贝大联盟 [01:19.38]我们在搞破坏 [01:20.34] Turn it up点燃气氛每当我在 [01:21.96]你不敢碰那就让我来 [01:23.55]当我 pull up来了像藤原拓海 [01:25.26]不是朋克但我砸吉他 [01:27.00]别来扰乱我的大计划 [01:28.53]我的目标离我越来越近 [01:30.18]打造属于我们的巴别塔 [01:32.73] Pull up with my men in droptop [01:34.26]看我们朱轮华毂缓带轻裘 [01:35.70] If you mess with us you get popped up [01:38.28]而你不过螳臂当车不自量力 [01:39.39] Pull up with my men in droptop [01:40.62]看我们朱轮华毂缓带轻裘 [01:42.24] If you mess with us you get popped up [01:44.64]而你不过螳臂当车不自量力 [01:45.45]我们在“杀”死鼓点 [01:46.77]我们在 go stupid我们变得麻木 [01:48.03]那些垃圾演出别来找我 [01:49.50]你们打不通我电话我不接 [01:51.21]把我放到2Pac说唱歌手的幕边 [01:52.89]我的 ambition野心大到无限 [01:54.48]还聊什么艺术 lil Skate board P说唱歌手 [01:56.25]让她们忘不掉我像是初恋 [01:58.65]风在亲吻我的发型 [01:59.73] Pull up in a droptop [02:00.57]看我们朱轮华毂缓带轻裘 [02:01.47]开始加足马力 [02:01.95]我们像在山顶漂移 [02:03.06]安全带抓好 [02:03.81]像开跑跑卡丁 [02:05.13]我 hot热情得像 Bambi斑比 [02:06.06]状态全开 [02:06.72]红色亚特兰蒂斯 [02:08.49]懒得跟你攀比 [02:09.36]你快点爬 [02:10.02]我加的是氮气 [02:11.07] What [02:11.19]如何 [02:11.91] I gotta cop all the prada [02:13.14]我要夺回我所有的骄傲 [02:13.80] You always tripping drama [02:14.58]而你只能永远活在戏剧里 [02:15.21] Go flex [02:15.45]珠光宝气 [02:15.75] Go flex [02:15.96]珠光宝气 [02:16.26]再顺便对准你 [02:17.10]欲望是无底洞 [02:19.65]宝宝你的身边寡不敌众 [02:21.12] My witch我的小魔仙嫉妒的红瞳孔 [02:22.86] Mic is my disc [02:23.19]麦克风是我的“武器” [02:23.76]顶到你喉咙肿 [02:24.81] Throw you out like a dash [02:27.60]猛烈的冲突中将你丢掷 [02:28.32]不管你搞啥赛制 [02:29.52]不管你穿啥牌子 [02:30.60]你耍不明白了 [02:31.41]你耍不明白了 [02:32.28]耍啥情怀嘛 [02:33.15]耍啥情怀嘛 [02:33.90] Baby my chuppies club [02:34.38]我的华人雅皮士俱乐部 [02:35.07]在制造未来 [02:36.12]你留在上个时代 [02:37.14] Ash灰烬 [02:38.55] Pull up with my men in droptop [02:39.75]看我们朱轮华毂缓带轻裘 [02:41.46] If you mess with us you get popped up [02:49.65]而你不过螳臂当车不自量力 [02:51.06]双脚 [02:52.71] Let’ s go [02:55.11]一起来 [02:55.29] Pull up with my men in droptop [02:55.95]看我们朱轮华毂缓带轻裘 [02:58.29] If you mess with us you get popped up [03:00.30]而你不过螳臂当车不自量力 [03:01.56] Pull up with my men in droptop [03:02.82]看我们朱轮华毂缓带轻裘 [03:04.50] If you mess with us you get popped up [03:08.67]而你不过螳臂当车不自量力 [03:09.51] PGM:董海龙 Zeus Production/徐帅 Zeus Production/徐培霖 Zeus Production [03:13.59] Auto- Tune:李雨杭 Yuu Zeus Production [03:18.06]录音编辑:刘俊杰 Zeus Production/王濛 Zeus Production/时俊峰