[00:00.00] 词曲/Lyrics composition:SevenJ李百万/07Kevin [00:01.00] 编曲/arrangement:tunnA [00:02.00] 出品:网易电波×网易飓风 [00:15.29]Never felt so lonely, [00:17.61]I never thought that it would go that far, [00:22.50]That the dark inside would own me, [00:26.07]Pulling me away from my own heart, [00:29.71]Please don‘ t touch my scars…, [00:33.04]Promise you won‘ t touch my scars, [00:36.59]Cuz the beast behind those bars…, [00:40.46]Might just tear us both apart. [00:41.800]@李百万SevenJ: [00:42.080]我双眼无神 祈祷着渴望上天 [00:43.770]可他们还是无情的给我套个项圈 [00:45.470]在与恶魔撞 肩的同时 [00:46.730]我 抛出硬币 [00:47.590]落地 把灵魂埋葬先 [00:48.920]在那一块墓 地 [00:49.910]当我妥协他 目的 达到 [00:51.070]只能 被迫降低我的底线 [00:52.680]一步一步落入他的圈套里 [00:54.200]而他只用编造一 [00:55.000]个理由就能够逃脱一切 [00:56.400]I can‘t believe it [00:58.090]轻触我的 伤 [00:58.790]他们大多数都选择袖手旁观 [01:00.368]童年 它唯一留下的 [01:01.887]是卖力敲打的墙砖 [01:02.808]和沾满血的床单 [01:04.296]我求他住 手 住手 [01:05.667]哭喊着直到我 声嘶 力竭 [01:07.768]可“他们”高高在上 [01:09.179]漠视我的“生死”还逼着要我“理解” [01:11.527]眺望着来往的人潮 [01:12.768]我不知道为何在欲望里狂奔 [01:14.858]我跟她诉着苦 [01:15.858]她说你 怎么又苦的过二万五长征 [01:18.497]在压抑的环境里长大 [01:20.158]hiphop 是我唯一的养分 [01:22.009]我不是迷信者 [01:23.158]可我却需要些“符咒”来防身 [01:26.40]Never felt so lonely, [01:28.58]I never thought that it would go that far, [01:33.51]That the dark inside would own me, [01:36.92]Pulling me away from my own heart, [01:40.61]Please don‘ t touch my scars…, [01:44.14]Promise you won‘ t touch my scars, [01:47.64]Cuz the beast behind those bars…, [01:51.38]Might just tear us both apart. [01:52.940] [01:53.268]@Kevin: [01:53.997]看不到童真的芳菲 [01:55.369]善良的光在你身上撤走 [01:56.699]病态的心留在脏堆 [01:58.979]只闻到人性泯灭后的恶臭 [02:00.938]喂 成年才会当罪人? [02:02.548]未 成年 难道全是“英才” [02:04.557]抱有着侥幸的心理 [02:05.997]把年龄当做了 “免死金牌” [02:08.276]同学都变成了同谋 [02:09.607]被迫着他转钱 [02:10.497]来给你消费? [02:11.836]你是他口中的“朋友” [02:13.107]却把他头颅 [02:13.986]一拍拍敲碎 [02:15.419]为何被命运给玩弄 [02:16.669]幼小的心灵十分的脆弱 [02:18.848]他是个善良的孩子 [02:20.229]孝顺又懂事 [02:21.076]有什么罪过? [02:22.376]把他 当成了棋子 [02:23.826]肆意的欺凌 [02:24.669]像摆在棋盘 [02:25.949]十三岁就止步于此 [02:27.348]父母再听不见 [02:28.217]耳边的呢喃 [02:29.538]今天我为你而发声 [02:30.986]希望有来世 远离疾苦 [02:32.986]下辈子由我来挖坑 [02:34.467]让他们肺里也 灌满泥土 [02:37.47]Never felt so lonely, [02:39.74]I never thought that it would go that far, [02:44.65]That the dark inside would own me, [02:48.11]Pulling me away from my own heart, [02:51.80]Please don‘ t touch my scars…, [02:55.29]Promise you won‘ t touch my scars, [02:58.93]Cuz the beast behind those bars…, [03:02.44]Might just tear us both apart. [03:06.75] 录制/Recording:SevenJ李百万/07Kevin [03:11.06] 混音母带/Mix And Master:杨一川 [03:15.37] 和声/harmony:SevenJ李百万/07Kevin/Kat/杨一川 [03:19.68] 封面设计/cover design:BigCheng [03:24.00] 为逝者发声 向作虐者讨伐!